Membership Directory - Corporate

BMH Environmental Protection Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Renewables & Environment


Company Description: Today we combat two global problems: the amount of waste dumped on landfills and CO2 emissions caused by fossil fuels. Our goal is to respond to both of these challenges and to boost recycling. BMH Technology offers fully integrated, industrial scale solutions for waste refining and handling, the TYRANNOSAURUS® process from BMH turns the MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) and ICW (Industrial and Commercial waste) into SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) or RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel). Local, affordable and environmentally friendly SRF/RDF can then be used for replacing coal and other fossil fuels in power boilers and cement kilns. With more than 60 years of experience in solid biofuel handling for large-scale power boilers BMH Technology is a pioneer in its field. During the past decades, we have refined our systems into a true turnkey solution. The main components are fuel receiving, fuel quality control, storage and boiler feeding. There are also other complementary value adding features such as automatic sampling.
Street: Available to Members
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General Manager
Procurement Manager