Membership Directory - Corporate

Mingle China Co., Ltd

Management Consulting


Company Description: Mingle China Co., Ltd(杭州梦路科技咨询有限公司)was founded in 2017, as a professional consulting company, our company has successfully done more than 70 projects with over 100 partners, such as Alibaba, ZPark, NOKIA, Business Finland, Zhejiang University, University of Oulu and Slush. It has been actively promoting business, education and government cooperation between Finland and China, helping Nordic enterprises better understand the Chinese market and conduct business in a challenging environment. Mingle Advisors has established professional consulting and information output services for society, international, industry and multi-level.
Street: Available to Members
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Company Website Address: Available to Members
City: Available to Members
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Assistant to the CEO
Project Manager
Assistant to the CEO
Project Assistant
Country Manager USA