Membership Directory - Corporate

Gonsulate General of Finland, Shanghai



Company Description: The Consulate General of Finland in Shanghai represents Finland in Eastern China. The jurisdiction area covers Shanghai and the provinces of Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and Zhejiang. The Consulate General of Finland is promoting Finnish interests in the area. The Consulate General provides prestige and door-opening authoritative services vis-á-vis the governmental, provincial and municipal authorities, enterprises and other actors, and can also provide information about the current business and political environment. The Consulate General leads the Team Finland work in Shanghai working in close relationship with other Team Finland actors - Business Finland, FBCS, Finnish National Agency for Education and FinChi. It promotes economic and political as well as scientific and cultural ties between Finland and China. The Consulate General of Finland offers also consular services for Finnish citizens and visa services for Chinese travellers.
Street: Available to Members
Phone: Available to Members
Company Website Address: Available to Members
City: Available to Members
Available to Members


Consul General of Finland in Shanghai
Consular Officer
Consular Services Coordinator
Consular Services Coordinator
Project Manager, Assistant to Consul General
Deputy Consul General
Consul General